walk like an egg-gyptian…

Easter time again so for Mac’s school that means eggs-on-legs, egg-o-ramas as well as the more traditional hat parade.

The benefit of getting two years of “eggs-on-legs” means the ability to ‘recycle’ – we embraced the chance to re-use one of the ‘eggs’ from last year’s walking egg / wheelchair contraption.

This year we added an Egyptian pharaoh hat left over from a fancy dress party a couple of weeks ago, some ‘walk like an Egyptian arms’ and covered the blue pants with two pieces of fan folded A4 paper stapled together with some glitter cardboard triangles.  A final flourish of some glittery paper around the eyes and our 2012 egg was now and “EGG-gyptian”.  It was a pretty good pay-off for about 20mins worth of work.

Here’s Mac, Luca and Miss A showing some of the finest eggs-on-legs I’ve ever seen.

Screen shot 2013-03-29 at 3.49.55 PM

And a blast from the past… I found this gem of Mac (R) and Luca (L) way back in pre-school circa 2007 when they were gorgeous little four year olds.


I strongly believe full and authentic inclusion in the pre-school and daycare settings should be the norm for ALL children.  Too many families are buying into the idea that Early Intervention centres are where you go ‘instead of’ pre-school.  Early intervention (the action not the place) is important but not at ‘any cost’… be wary of those claiming early intervention can only happen in a segregated setting – you might just end up on an undesirable path where your child loses their rightful and valued place in their community.   I spoke about this some years back at the Early Childhood Intervention Australia conference… my stance remains unchanged.

Click the folder if you are interested in reading the paper I presented to the conference.Folder-ECIA


Filed under Access all Areas, Inclusion... straight up!

4 responses to “walk like an egg-gyptian…

  1. Love the egg! Thankyou for reminding me about inclusion I sometimes need a little encouragement xx mac is looking awesome by the way!!!

  2. Gina @ https://inkyed.wordpress.com

    Bron, Mac has got almost exactly the same expression and position in both photos… at least he’s consistent LOL. xx

  3. Fabulous Gina! I don’t have a single creative art gene in my body so my boys miss out on that. Will wonder off to read your inclusion paper now. Thanks for sharing.

  4. En tiedä olenko kuvittelemaani suurituloisempi, mutta ei tuo ainakaan brittiläisissä nettikaupoissa mitenkään pahan hintainen ole, etenkin jos voi luottaa hankkivansa elinikäisen kumppanin. Toki pistotulppien ja jännitteiden kanssa joutuu vähän pelaamaan jos tilaa/ostaa briteistä tai jenkeistä.Itse olen viime aikoina himoinnut mehustinta, mutta jos tuolla saa tosiaan mehuakin aikaan, olisi se mopneäyttöiskmii. Pitää laittaa korvan taakse.

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