Tag Archives: cross country

cross country: MMXII

Autumn signals the start of the cross country season in Australia.

Once again Mac’s school event was held at our home track.

A couple of Mac’s classmates convinced Mac and Tim (Mac’s aide) to run with them in the 10 years boys event rather than “the nines”.  I asked the boys if they were hoping to finish in the places to ensure a spot on the district team.  “Nah” they responded, “we usually try to finish in about the twenties”.   When asked, Mac thought that was an OK place to finish and was very happy to run with the ‘lads’.

I always remind Mac of his ‘home advantage’ (never mind the four wheels and the able-bodied ‘pusher’ he also uses 😉 ).

But when I say ‘home track’… I’m not exaggerating.   The local cross country course is literally the property next door to ours.  It’s part of my Grandfather’s old farm – now in the capable hands of my Aunt & Uncle.   In fact, Mac & his cousins are sixth generation to live on this property… not bad considering how relatively young our country is.

Mac’s aide from last year “Ms M” had a great chuckle as she realised she hadn’t given Tim the information on how to take a short cut and hide out for the middle two kms…  Oh well, they made the distance… Mac didn’t even seem out of breath.

PHOTOS: using Halftone app on my iPhone 


Filed under Access all Areas, friends, Inclusion... straight up!, things that make me go "glll"

my kid is a “cheater”

It is that time of year again.  Cross Country events are upon us.

As you know Mac has taken part for the last two years “running” in his ‘chariot’ jogger with an ‘able assistant’.

2009 X-Country
2010 X-Country

This year Mac and his aide ‘Ms M’ were teamed up for the  8 years Boys event.

The races are getting longer each year and this year took place at the Cross Country course proper (not the park near school).   The Cross Country course is next door to our property on my Uncle’s property so Mac was definitely in his ‘natural habitat’.

Shawn was in charge of drop off & collection for the day.  So, when Mac got home I asked how he went.

Shawn explained that, apparently, Mac came in first place…

“but there may have been a disqualification on the basis there was suggestion of a ‘short cut’.”

I asked Mac…  “did you do something sneaky?”

Gosh, whoever said “boys can’t lie to save themselves” was right (hey, maybe that was me that said that, it sounds very familiar).

Mac’s face was the sneakiest, cheekiest look you have ever seen.  He dips his head and tilts it to the side, his eyes shoot to the right with a slight squint, the arms come up and cross in front of his lap and his mouth is just the epitome of the ‘sly grin’.

Clearly – there had been some skullduggery afoot.

The next day Ms M was telling me how she and Mac had started out strong then found a cutting in the track suitable for ‘taking a break’.  She said they were killing themselves laughing at just how funny they were hiding from everyone and out of sight of the spectators.  They had found themselves particularly entertaining when they joined the front-runners as they came back around.  Ms M does a very good job of ‘winding Mac up’ into hysterics and I think he really enjoyed the sneakiness of their approach.

Thankfully we have a school of good sports no one seems to have cared that Mac cheated.

Mac has agreed that:

  • “YES”, he thought it was very funny to take a short cut, and
  • conceded that “YES”, it is OK he was disqualified under the circumstances, and
  • “NO” he doesn’t care he won’t compete at the next level.

I think it’s great for him and the other kids to see the fun side of these events.  It helps the other kids learn that it’s ok to be light-hearted and, let’s face it, when there is no way Mac is ever going to truly compete against them on level playing field – it’s ok for everyone to have a laugh along the way.

It all goes a long way in helping them to learn they don’t have to be ‘precious’ about disability – Mac’s not.


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