Tag Archives: school lunches

purée with panache

TrafficLightLunchMany school canteens have adopted a traffic light classification system in which foods are categorised as greenamber and red according to their nutritional value.

We have our own traffic light system.  Mac takes Traffic Light Lunch (the puréed variety).

I made the rubber holder out of a left over foam rubber tile and simply shaped it with a blade to allow for three plastic containers to be inserted.

Today’s picture shows containers of strawberry, banana and avocado mash.  Sometimes it is a combo of vegetables like roast beet/tomato, sweet potato/carrot and peas/broccoli.

To ensure the foods [that turn brown] don’t oxidize I usually put a thin film of olive oil or lemon juice on the banana and avocado oil or lemon/lime juice on the avocado to keep them looking their best.

These lunches are usually met with enthusiasm by the other kids, which seems to have a flow on effect to Mac and the person responsible for feeding.  Rarely they come home uneaten.

I plan to make a ‘paint palette’ version out of cork and add a fourth container – at least then I wont be tied to the red/yellow/green combo.

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Filed under Pureeing my life away

party ‘shotties’?


It is the xmas season and even five year olds are partying with the best of them. 

So, when you are asked to ‘bring a plate’ to a party and you are a little boy who can only manage puree, what should you do?

Easy… ‘party shotties’- disposable shot glasses filled with tasty treats.  


Our favourites are:

  • layers of King Island Belgium Chocolate dessert and Dairy Farmers Strawberries and Cream super thick yoghurt topped with a fresh strawberry slice.
  • Dairy Farmers Velvety Vanilla yoghurt in a coloured shot glass topped with fresh seedless grapes
  • Velvety Vanilla super thick yoghurt made to any colour with the addition of a drop of food colour then layered as the mood dictates.
  • summer pudding (mixed pureed berries, bread, sugar etc)

and for savoury

  • avocado, cream cheese and prawns/salmon/tuna
  • roast beetroot with a dash of dark chocolate
  • anything with coconut cream (and peanut butter – Mac is a satay nut!)
  • slow roasted sweet potato topped with baked pear and fennel
  • mixed dried fruit and nuts pureed to a paste

Mac took ‘a plate’ of party shotties to his pre-school graduation – they were a huge hit.  The kids were wanting more.  The teachers pointed out they were pretty much eating “Mac style food” and the consensus was “Mac’s Food Rocks”!

Pureed food doesn’t have to be dull nor does it have to be restricted to those with a disability.  

Here’s hoping school lunches won’t be too boring.


Filed under Pureeing my life away