Tag Archives: social justice

fridge magnet friday…

Tanzania “gets it” it seems…

From the article “Eductation fund promotes inclusive education” by Masozi Nyirenda
The writer is a Specialist in Education Management, Economics of Education and Policy Studies.  Click the link above for the full article.  


Old fashioned fridge door image with a poster showing the text "Inclusive education helps to reduce discrimination, enhance cooperation, creativity, capacity building, improved communication skills, awareness of disabilities, improved support and care, and improved policies for children with disabilities and those without disabilities, parents, teachers and the general community."When you put it like that it’s hard to reconcile there are people who actively reject those benefits for themselves, their community and for the broader society.



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Filed under Inclusion... straight up!

in which the protagonist becomes the advocate…

“That’s unjust” Mac’s classmate told the teacher.

It wasn’t a obvious or major incident according to the teacher, but Mac’s peer was entirely right.  It seems everyone in the class had just been given some sort of choice or option in class and Mac wasn’t offered the same opportunity.

Hence the declaration to the teacher, by Mac’s mate, that it was “unjust”.  Mac’s teacher agreed the student was absolutely right.  Mac’s teacher, Mr B, as he always does, took it on the chin and notched another one up to the “ongoing learning opportunities” you get when Mac is in your class.  More delightfully, Mr B, shared the incident with me, clearly showing a sense of pride that his students will speak up when things aren’t “just”.

Oh, and you might remember this classmate from this post: https://inkyed.wordpress.com/2010/02/17/a-good-friend-to-me/

Now nine years old, he has grown into a considerate, delightful young man with (clearly) an innate sense of social justice.

A good friend indeed.

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Filed under friends, Inclusion... straight up!

fridge magnet friday

There’s been times in the last nine years I have found myself frustrated by the lack of progress towards a truly inclusive society.  I found myself wondering how, after students started being included some 50+ years ago, it still seems like some ‘crazy, new age ideal’ to many families, educators and service providers.

How can it be that social change doesn’t appear to be permanent I pondered.  Why does one student make it through the gates for an inclusive life… only to see those gates close quickly behind.

Then I saw this comment via Twitter… and it all became a little clearer.


The notion of a relay makes perfect sense.  The baton has been passed by the true trailblazers of 50+ years ago to our generation.  We get to choose what we wish to add to our communities.  We decide if we want people with disabilities to live in a disempowering charity based society model… or a truly inclusive society where everyone is valued.

I am now more comfortable with the notion that perhaps my role won’t be done any time soon… but I am confident we owe much to those who fought for social justice in the 1950s up until now, our fights have been easier, acceptance is quicker… we are in OK shape, we will get there.


Filed under fridge magnet friday, Inclusion... straight up!, the big picture